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Nightmare :3

Hello guys. Wowww, look at the tittle! It's a nightmare guys! Want to know why? My twitter account hacked by anonymous :(And, idk how my account can be hacked. Anddd, this is the worst nightmare!!!!!! It's sad you knoww :( Hmm, semua kawan kawan Faezah ada kat acc tu. Kalau boleh cari balik takpe, ni dia unfollow semua following and takde followers pun yang tinggal. Nak search takingat username semua. Faezah follow mana yang Faezah ingat je :/ Hmm, so the solution is make a new twitter account. Yeah. Hmm, so account twitter baru. Semuanya baru. So guyss, siapa yang nak follow tu jangan malu malu lol :p Find me here okay? Mention for followback ;) Oh btw, thanks for those yang follow ;) Love youguys :* Oh yaa, semalam PMR kan? Congratulations ya for those yang berjaya dapat straight A's! Gila ah korang pandai gilaaaaa kut. Faezah yang UPSR ni pun taklepas nak dapat 5A's. Tapi apa apa pun, yang takberjaya score straight A's tu, takpe k :) Try again! Jangan terus patah semangat. Okay ;) Hee, acewahh. Lewls. Hm, so itu jelah agaknya -.- Hihik. Kbye :)

p/s: Saya single :p
Past | Future

13. Happy. Annoying. Crazy.